August/September 2024

”Cada vez que un estudiante recibe becas y es aceptado en la universidad me da una gran alegría. Mi mejor motor es ver que nuestros jóvenes hispanos están alcanzando sus sueños. Estamos encaminando a los próximos jóvenes hispanos profesionales”

December 2023

Jóvenes hispanos en New Orleans pueden conseguir becas para estudiar en la universidad. Ingrid Bustos, directora de "ECCO" ofrece información.

September 2022

An average community college tuition is almost $8,000 per year and a 4-year university costs around $30,000 per year. “For an immigrant family, it’s hard to afford that. So, students will rely on scholarships to attend college,”

September 2022

“ECCO is an organization that focuses on helping high school students and their families who are immigrants gain the knowledge to enter two and four year postsecondary programs. They support students through financial literacy trainings, personal statement guidance, ACT prep, translation services and application assistance. Thank you to Ingrid for her hard work with the students of New Orleans!.”

August 2022

Ventanilla de Educación: ECCO y CONSULADO DE MEXICO EN


Click the image below to watch the Full Interview!

March 2021